Posts tagged housing market
Experts Predict Recession in 2020
NewsDwayne Phelpsnews, recession, home prices, housing market, economy, economic growth, global economy, zillow, home buyers, home sales, home market, homebuyer
Seattle Sees Increase in Home Prices
Amazon's HQ2 Causes Housing Boom
Oregon to Become First State to Ban Single Family Zoning
NewsDwayne Phelpsreal estate, US real estate, homes, housing market, home prices, homebuyer, home buying, home builder, first time homebuyer, affordable living, realtor
National Housing Market in Correction, not Slowdown
NewsDwayne Phelpsseattle, seattle real estate, seattle news, national news, national real estate, housing market, jobs, job growth, economy, mortgage rates, federal reserve
US-China Tariff War
More Jobs, Heathly Spring Market